Committee Members


Mr. Peter Lange, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President 

Ms. Kelly Wellman, Director, Office of Sustainability and Campus Enrichment 



Mr. Erik Baker, Gift Planning Officer, Representing the Texas A&M Foundation 

Dr. Carol Binzer, Residence Life and Housing – Representing the Vice President for Student Affairs 

Mr. Sean Cargo, Associate Director, Information Technology – Representing University Staff Council 

Mr. Chris Danko, Regional Vice President, Chartwells 

Ms. Adelade Edington, Undergraduate, Representing Residence Hall Association 

Mr. Matt Fry, Associate Vice President, Representing Vice President for Research 

Ms. Miranda Henderson, Director of Advocacy & Legislative Affairs, Representing The Association of Former Students 

Ms. Jordan Jeffcoat, Undergraduate, Representing Residence Hall Association & Aggie Eco Reps 

Mr. Evan Kennedy, Graduate, Representing Graduate & Professional Student Council

Ms. Jessica Kilby, Assistant Vice President for Finance, Representing Operations Finance 

Ms. Brandy Kosh, Associate Vice President of Employee Experience, Representing Human Resources & Operational Effectiveness 

Ms. Claire Leffingwell, Undergraduate, Representing Student Senate 

Ms. Debbie Lollar, Associate Vice President of Transportation Services 

Ms. Christina Robertson, Assistant Vice President of Environmental Health & Safety 

Dr. Tim Scott, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 

Mr. Craig Valka, Executive Associate Athletics Director, Representing Texas A&M Athletics 

Mr. Les Williams, Associate Vice President of Facilities and Energy Services

Ms. Isabel Wormington, Operations Manager, SSC Services for Education 



Dr. Scott Shafer, Chief of Campus & Community Enrichment, Community Engagement